
A Call to Men

A Call to Men promotes healthy, respectful manhood. The organization fosters a safe and respectful community through training and educational resources for schools, companies, community groups, and government agencies.

Abuse Alternatives Inc.

Abuse Alternatives Inc. is a nonprofit organization committed to providing quality services through support and advocacy to victims of domestic violence. With over 40 years of experience, the organization provides comprehensive, confidential resources to survivors of relationship abuse and violence. Abuse Alternatives Inc has a 24/7 Hotline (423-764-2287) that offers support and access to services with staff who specialize in dealing with relationship violence/abuse issues.

Abused Deaf Women's Advocacy Services (ADWAS)

Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services (ADWAS) provides comprehensive services to deaf and deaf-blind survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking. ADWAS believes that violence is a learned behavior and envisions a world where violence is not tolerated. The ADWAS model has been replicated in 19 Deaf communities across the United States and has established the nation’s first transitional housing. The organization is committed to providing accessible and safe housing for Deaf and Deaf-Blind women and their children, while offering a 24/7 hotline (855-812-1001).

Active Minds

Active Minds is the nation’s premier nonprofit organization promoting mental health awareness and education for young adults. The organization is dedicated to saving lives and building stronger families and communities. Through education, research, advocacy, and focusing on young adults ages 14-25, Active Minds is opening up the conversation about mental health and creating lasting change in the way mental health is talked about, cared for, and valued. Active Minds is present in more than 800 schools, communities, and workplaces across the U.S. The programs and services offered empower young adults to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, create communities of support, and ultimately save lives. Nearly 15,000 volunteer leaders are changing their local culture around mental health and reaching nearly 1.8 million people with Active Mind programs.

African Services Committee (ASC)

Since 1981, African Services Committee (ASC) has been dedicated to assisting immigrants, refugees, and asylees from across the African Diaspora. Programs address the needs of newcomers affected by war, persecution, poverty, and other global health inequities. ASC provides health, housing, legal, social welfare, education, nutrition, and advocacy services to more than 12,000 people in New York City and Ethiopia. The organization’s staff represents over 20 countries and speaks over 27 languages, supporting the diverse and growing community.

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)

The Los Angeles-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is a global nonprofit organization providing high-quality HIV care and services. The organization generates new, innovative ways of treating and addressing barriers to care for clients through a network of pharmacies, thrift stores, health and wellness centers, affordable housing locations, and food-service programs. Founded in 1987, AHF began as a network of hospices committed to “fighting for the living and caring for the dying.” Since then, they have expanded, turning hospices into healthcare centers and building a new paradigm for HIV care worldwide.

AIDS United

Since 1984, AIDS United has fought to end the HIV epidemic in the United States. The organization strives to commit all people, governments, and organizations to end the epidemic and strengthen the health, well-being, and human rights of everyone impacted by HIV. It’s essential to expand the conversation about those affected by HIV to account for and address the intersectionality of health disparities, social injustice, white supremacy, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and every kind of inequity.

Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK)

Based in Massachusetts, the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK) works to address gaps in services for Asian intimate partner violence survivors. ATASK’s mission is to support and protect Asian survivors of intimate partner violence and abuse, to help them rebuild a better and safer life. Some of the many free services provided by ATASK include a 24-hour multilingual hotline, emergency shelter assistance, legal advocacy, and other community-based services.

Asian/Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project (A/PI DVRP)

The Asian/Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project (A/PI DVRP) provides numerous online resources that can easily be accessed nation-wide, and all resources are available in over 20 Asian American/Pacific Islander languages. Some of the online resources include community education workshops, domestic violence safety toolkits, trauma informed and survivor-centered advocacy workshops, and cultural competency trainings. A/PI DVRP also provides direct services for AAPI domestic violence survivors that are completely free and confidential.  Some services provided include a confidential helpline and case management assistance to support with housing, transportation, applying for benefits, etc.; all of these services can be provided in over 20 AAPI languages.

Alive Alone

Alive Alone is a non-profit organization that publishes a bimonthly newsletter for bereaved parents now childless and networks parents with no surviving children. It was founded in 1988, just eight years after Kay and Rodney Bevington’s only child, Rhonda, died before her sixteenth birthday on July 24, 1980. The organization hosts many events around the US, from conferences to workshops to retreats for bereaved parents. All of Alive Alone’s articles are original; Bereaved parents and professionals write articles on this type of grief. Parents with no surviving children can now find friendship, understanding, and hope from others like themselves.

The Allstate Foundation

1 in 4 women experience domestic violence in the United States. Nearly all those cases include financial abuse. It’s one of the main reasons victims are unable to leave an abusive partner or have to return to one. Since 2005, The Allstate Foundation has been committed to disrupting the cycle of relationship abuse. They provide survivors with the education and resources needed to achieve their potential and equip young people with the information and confidence they need to help prevent unhealthy relationships before they start.

Amazon Watch

Amazon Watch is an environmental organization that has protected the rainforest and propelled rights for Indigenous individuals in the Amazon Basin. They’ve partnered with Indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability, and preserving the Amazon’s ecological systems. Amazon watch is working directly with Indigenous communities in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru to increase local capacity and advance the long-term protection of their lands.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is the leading national not-for-profit organization dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education, advocacy, and reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide. AFSP engages in the following Five Core Strategies to fully achieve its mission: (1) Fund scientific research. (2) Offer educational programs for professionals. (3) Educate the public about mood disorders and suicide prevention. (4) Promote policies and legislation that impact suicide and prevention. (5) Provide programs and resources for survivors of suicide loss and people at risk, and involve them in the work of the Foundation.

American Red Cross

Since 1881, the American Red Cross has been the nation’s premier emergency response organization. They provide shelter, food, and comfort to those affected by disasters on large and small scales. The organization collects lifesaving donated blood and supplies for patients in need. They support individuals on military bases worldwide and their families at home. They offer CPR, first-aid, and other forms of training that save lives. They offer assistance to our neighbors abroad with critical disaster response, preparedness, and disease prevention efforts.

Animal Haven

Animal Haven is a nonprofit organization with a mission to find homes for abandoned cats and dogs throughout the Tri-State area. Since 1967, Animal Haven has operated as an animal shelter in Manhattan, offering behavioral intervention to improve the chances of animal adoptions and programs that enhance the bond between animals and people.

Animal Welfare Institute

Animal Welfare Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing animal suffering caused by people. Animals deserve better treatment everywhere: laboratories, farms, homes, and the wild. The organization engages with policymakers, scientists, and the public in hopes of abolishing factory farms, supporting high welfare family farms, and achieving humane slaughter for animals raised for food. Animal Welfare pushes for an improvement in animal housing and research conditions. Additionally, they aim to preserve species threatened with extinction and protect wildlife from harmful exploitation.

Anxiety and Depression Association of America

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America find new treatments and future prevention for depression and anxiety disorders. Their provided programs and guides are rooted in research and data to ultimately remove stigmas regarding mental health disorders and treatments.

Anti Violence Project

The Anti-Violence Project (AVP) supports LGBTQIA+ individuals affected by violence, such as hate crimes and intimate partner violence.

AVP provides survivors with counseling and legal services, while working to raise awareness about the violence experienced by the LGBTQIA+ community.

Apraxia Kids

Apraxia Kids is the leading nonprofit in strengthening the support systems for children with apraxia of speech. They conduct advocacy and research which educates families and professionals to facilitate a community and outreach program.

The Army of Survivors

The Army of Survivors is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending sexual assault against young athletes. Their mission is reflected in ensuring perpetrators and enablers are held accountable, creating transparency in reporting, building an environment where athletes do not fear retaliation when reporting abuse, and advocating for change to protect survivors. The organization supports sexual violence survivors and changes society through advocacy, education, and resources. 


Asista aims to advance the dignity, rights, and liberty of immigrant survivors of domestic abuse, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Asista has three programs: Case Assistance (TA), Policy Advocacy, and Training. Their TA program is individualized case help intended for attorneys, DOJ representatives, and advocates serving immigrant survivors of violence in a professional capacity. Asista’s Policy Advocacy program connects individual case problems and identifies systemic trends and issues that require policy change. The training program provides in-person and online training opportunities to attorneys and advocates who service immigrant survivors of crime, including enhanced safety planning and topics of survivor-based forms of immigration benefits.

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is the world’s largest anti-fraud organization. By delivering best-in-class training, offering the CFE credential, and fostering a dynamic, global community of anti-fraud professionals, the ACFE is reducing fraud and corruption worldwide.

Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice

Founded in 1977, the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice is a dynamic global foundation providing critically needed financial support to lesbian-led, LGBTI, and progressive organizations. The foundation grants opportunities and lays the groundwork for women and LGBTI people to claim human rights. Astraea is the only foundation solely dedicated to supporting LGBTI organizations worldwide. They work to raise funds and issue grants so all women can participate in the philanthropic process – from giving to grantmaking.

The Bail Project

The Bail Project disrupts the money bail system to combat mass incarceration. Their representative fight to end cash bail and create a more just, equitable, and humane pretrial system.

Battered Women’s Justice Project (BWJP)

Battered Women’s Justice Project (BWJP) promotes systemic change within the civil and criminal justice systems to ensure an effective and just response to victims and perpetrators of intimate partner violence and the children exposed to this violence. BWJP is involved in six project initiatives. SAFeR is one such project and promotes domestic violence-informed decision-making in family law matters. The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms and the Safer Families, Safer Communities Project work to prevent domestic violence-related homicides involving firearms through the promotion and support of the implementation of firearm prohibitions in domestic violence. Another project is BWJP’s National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith and Credit. This program promotes procedures for issuing, service, and enforcing protection orders that effectively respond to the needs of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Bereaved Parents of the USA (BPUSA)

Bereaved Parents of the USA (BPUSA) was founded in 1995 by a group of bereaved parents to offer support, understanding, encouragement, and hope to bereaved parents, siblings, and grandparents after the death of their loved one. This purpose remains the thrust of BPUSA today. BPUSA aims to educate families about the grief process, regardless of ethnicity, ideology, or financial status. Bereaved Parents of the USA is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of BPUSA members nominated and elected yearly by chapter members. All work within the BPUSA organization on both the national and local chapter levels is done by volunteers.

Big Shoulders Fund

The Big Shoulders Fund is an education-based nonprofit organization that supports 72 high-need schools in the Chicago area and 20 in the Northwest Indiana area. Those schools serve about 20,000 children, 70% of whom come from low-income families. Their funds go towards various programs and operations such as scholarships, operational improvements, leadership development programs, and teachers’ academic and professional development programs. Its mission is to help the children of the Chicago area fulfill their dreams by providing access to quality and value-based education.

Black AIDS Institute (BAI)

Black AIDS Institute (BAI) is dedicated to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Black community. The organization’s decisions, responses, programming, and messaging are informed by their core values of Black Empowerment, Equity, Impact, Self-Determination, and Integrity. BAI aims to stop the AIDS epidemic in Black communities by engaging and mobilizing Black institutions and individuals to confront HIV.

Black and Missing Foundation

The Black and Missing Foundation brings awareness to missing persons of color. They provide vital resources and tools for victims’ families, friends, and the public to educate on personal safety.

Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective

The Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM) aim to bring together, heal and liberate black, marginalized communities. They are sparking change through offered training courses, wellness coaching, peer support, and grants.

Black Girls Smile

Black Girls Smile (BGS) is one of the leading organizations focusing on Black, female mental wellbeing. BGS focuses on providing young Black women education, resources, and other forms of support to foster mentally healthy lives. The organization’s mission is rooted in research, focus group data, and personal experiences that highlight the under-served and underrepresented mental health meeds of Black women.

Black Lives Matter

#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. The organization combats and counteracts violence, creating spaces for Black imagination and innovation.

Black Men Heal

Black Men Heal is an organization focused on providing mental health treatment, psycho-education, and community resources to men of color. African-Americans are 20% more likely to develop a mental illness than their white counterparts; Suicides are the third leading cause of death for black men between 15-24 years old. Black Men Heal’s goal is to lower these statistics through its efforts to remove stigmas, eliminate treatment costs, and match providers and clients.

Black Mental Health Alliance

The Black Mental Health Alliance develops, promotes, and sponsors credible, culturally-relevant educational forums, training, and referral services to support the mental health and wellbeing of Black people and their communities. Their specialized workshops and forums promote optimal mental health, respect, and compassion.

Black Women's Blueprint

Black Women’s Blueprint is a non-profit organization that provides holistic health and healing programs for Black women that are culturally- and historically-relevent. Some of these health and healing programs include mobile services for food accessibility and reproductive healthcare, in-office trauma counseling, and maternal mental health services.

Boulder Voices for Children

Boulder Voices for Children is an organization that hopes to break the cycle of child abuse and neglect in Boulder County. Their trained CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteers. The CASAs provide investigation, advocacy, monitoring, and direct service to child victims.

Bridge Rail Foundation

The Bridge Rail Foundation’s mission is to prevent easy access to lethal means of suicide on the Golden Gate Bridge and other common suicide sites. They place focus on suicide deterrent installations and advocacy. 

The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

For nearly 40 years, The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence has been recognized as California’s domestic violence coalition, representing over 1,000 advocates, organizations, and allied groups. Their public policy efforts and access to education have sparked social change.

Center for Disaster Philanthropy

Center for Disaster Philanthropy Inc. is a nonprofit organization that envisions a world where the impact of disasters is mitigated with thoughtful, equitable, and responsible recovery resources for all. They hope to leverage the power of philanthropy to propel a full range of resources that strengthen the abilities of communities to withstand disasters and recover when they occur.

Center for Survivor Agency and Justice

The Center for Survivor Agency and Justice is a national organization whose work advances the economic standing of survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. The organization provides survivors with a team of attorneys and advocates who conduct research and fight to fix broken policies and systems.

Citizens Caring for Children

Citizens Caring for Children serves the needs of Oklahoma children living in foster care by providing clothing, personal hygiene items, resources, and continued support. The organization hopes to instill brighter futures for children and young adults in foster care. More than 1,800 Oklahoma foster care children receive beneficial services and programs like the Resource Center, Back2School, and Joy4Kids each year.


Founded in 2013, Chayn is a global nonprofit run by survivors and allies worldwide, creating resources to support the healing of survivors from gender-based violence. The organization offers online resources and services for survivors of abuse that are trauma-informed, intersectional, multi-lingual, and feminist. Chayn highlights the experiences of marginalized individuals, opening up access to resources for all. All forms of gender-based violence, especially domestic and sexual violence and technology-facilitated abuse, are tackled by the cause. Their work has reached roughly 400,000 people across the globe and more every day.

Child Abuse Network (CAN)

The Child Abuse Network (CAN) is Tulsa’s Children’s Advocacy Center that serves as the coordinator for the multiple agencies that interact with children of reported child abuse. CAN’s work results in a collaborative and non-duplicated interagency approach to investigating abuse and protecting children in need. In the context of violence, child abuse presents complex social and moral dilemmas concerning its cause, effect, and remedy. Helping stop child abuse requires a comprehensive plan involving multiple, coordinated strategies, which CAN works towards.

Children’s Assessment Center (CAC)

The Children’s Assessment Center (CAC) provides a professional, compassionate, and coordinated approach to treating sexually abused children and their families. They’re committed to mitigating the number of children who enter adulthood with unsolved trauma due to abuse. Their staff is specially trained professionals that offer forms of treatment in their facility, free of charge.

Children's Center

Dating back to 1966, the Children’s Center Early Intervention and Family Support envisions a world where all young children have the opportunity to live life to the fullest. The organization empowers young children with special needs and their families to reach their full potential through a series of initiatives: evidenced-based early interventions, family-centered support, multidisciplinary inclusivity, and individualized care. Additionally, they provide family support programs: case management, community-based programming for children with autism, and caregiver education and support groups in order to better support the child.

Children's Law Center of Massachusetts (CLCM)

Since 1997, the Children’s Law Center of Massachusetts (CLCM) has promoted and secured equal justice and maximized opportunity for low-income youth by providing quality, culturally sensitive advocacy and legal services. The CLCM offers comprehensive legal representation in education, child welfare (abuse & neglect), immigration, juvenile justice, and various other matters such as mental health, insurance access, family-law-related issues, and support to victims of crime.

Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation

Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation is an organization providing college scholarships and educational counseling to military children who’ve lost a parent. They serve families of service members from all branches of the armed force who’ve died due to combat casualties, military training accidents, service-related illnesses, suicide, and other duty-related deaths as ruled by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation’s mission is to ensure that every child of a fallen patriot receives college funding.

Choose Love

Choose Love supports refugees and displaced people globally. They offer services to refugees such as life saving search and rescue boats, legal advice, and supplies.

City Forward Collective

City Forward Collective is an organization focused on securing the Milwaukee area’s economic future and quality of life. They aim to provide opportunities to attend a high-quality high school for every child in the city. Their work focuses on increasing access, closing the achievement gap, and advancing equity for schools, children, and their families.

Community United Against Violence (CUAV)

Community United Against Violence (CUAV) works to build the power of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) communities to transform violence and oppression. The organization supports the healing and leadership of those impacted by abuse and mobilizes their broader communities to replace cycles of trauma with cycles of safety and liberation. CUAV provides three ongoing programs to those who come to CUAV for support. These include Advocacy-Based Peer Counseling and hotlines, ongoing weekly support groups, and a membership program that cultivates leaders and change at a systemic level.


Commonwealth is a national nonprofit building financial security and opportunity for financially vulnerable people through innovation and partnerships. The organization’s vision is to make it possible for all people to build wealth. Over two decades, Commonwealth’s fundamental purpose has remained to create a stronger and more prosperous society where everyone has financial opportunity. Their work has enabled 1.5 million people to save over $6 billion on a path to greater financial security and wealth.

Consent Awareness Network (CAN)

The Consent Awareness Network (CAN) fights for consent-based laws to conquer all forms of sexual assault across the US and around the world. They advocate for and teach what consent means and should look like. Representatives of the organization have spoken to crowds across the country, including at a TEDx Talk.

Check out their consent awareness cartoon for kids HERE

Counseling Degree Guide: Digital Mental Health Resources for LGBTQ+ and Allies

Counseling Degree Guide (CDG) has provided a webpage full of support resources for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies. CDG chose these resources to raise awareness and increase access to LGBTQ+ support services.

The webpage includes lists of LGBTQ+-specific websites and educational articles, videos, books, and podcasts for any LGBTQ+ individual in need of support resources. LGBTQ+ allies can also utilize the resources listed in the ‘Be an Ally’ section of the webpage to learn more information on how to best support the LGBTQ+ community.

Cradles to Crayons (C2C)

Since 2002, Cradles to Crayons (C2C) has catered to children living in homeless or low-income situations. C2C provides children with the essential items needed to survive and thrive at home and school. They supply items free of charge by connecting communities that have with those that need.

Crisis Text Line

Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7, high-quality text-based mental health support and crisis intervention with a community of trained volunteers to support people in their moments of need. The organization promotes mental well-being for people wherever they are with their empathetic worldview, where nobody feels alone.

Cybercrime Support Network (CSN)

Cybercrime Support Network (CSN) empowers individuals to recognize, report, and recover from fraud and scams to foster a safer digital world. CSN promotes collaboration, develops resources, and provides training within the law enforcement and consumer protection ecosystems to ensure those affected by cybercrime are empowered to combat scams and online fraud.

Darkness to Light

Darkness to Light is a non-profit that is dedicated to preventing child sexual abuse by empowering adults through education, awareness, and community involvement.

Darkness to Light offers resources like Stewards of Children®, which features interviews with a diverse group of survivors, experts, and treatment providers. These evidence-based, adult-focused trainings on child sexual abuse prevention are designed to increase knowledge and change behavior across the United States. A variety of organizations, including schools, now use these trainings.

If you or a loved one would benefit from these or other resources and/or services from this organization, please visit If you would like to donate to support Darkness to Light, please visit

Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN)

Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) advocates for democracy, the rule of law, and human rights for all people of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). DAWN simultaneously highlights and celebrates democratic reforms in the Arab world while highlighting human rights violations and abusive practices. As a US-based organization, the organization focuses its research and advocacy on MENA governments with close ties to the United States. DAWN provides resources and data with comprehensive information about human rights violations. The organization aims to expose and hold accountable government officials responsible for abuses. It is in the process of developing policy recommendations for the reform of abusive governments and the reform of US and other international foreign policies that support abusive governments.

DAWN Rising

DAWN is a nonprofit organization that supports, empowers, and protects survivors of domestic abuse in South King County and maintains safety through education and quick prevention response. The organization envisions a community that is committed to preventing violence and taking collective responsibility and action to create a more peaceful, safe place to live.


DeleteMe is a website that can remove your personal information from internet search engines (Google, Bing, etc.). You submit your information to the website, experts search all search engine sites for your information, and remove all of your personal information from being publically searched.  You receive a DeleteMe report of the findings within 7 days, and your information is checked and removed (if needed) every three months for up to one year.

Detroit Dog Rescue

Detroit Dog Rescue is Detroit’s first and only no-kill dog shelter. They advocate for humane rescue alternatives like no-kill sheltering, foster care, and adoptions.

DKT International

Since 1989, DKT International has promoted family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention through social marketing in the developing world. Today, DKT has programs in 18 countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. With 22 million CYPs (a couple of years of protection) in 2010, DKT is the largest private provider of contraceptives and family planning services in the developing world. DKT’s cost per CYP — under $2 — is the lowest of any major social marketing family planning organization worldwide. DKT’s contraceptive social marketing programs have been a remarkable success. Every year, DKT’s innovative programs save more lives and improve the health of more families in the developing world.

Domestic Violence Action Center (DVAC)

Since 1990, the Domestic Violence Action Center (DVAC) has offered legal information and representation to victims. The organization has a group of advocates to assist and accompany victims as they seek access to community resources to pursue their safety and freedom.

Domestic Violence Intervention Services (DVIS)

Domestic Violence Intervention Services (DVIS) is the only nonprofit agency in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and its surrounding communities to offer comprehensive intervention and prevention services to those affected by domestic and sexual violence. The organization aims to rebuild lives affected by domestic and sexual violence through advocacy, shelter, counseling, and education.

Domestic Violence Service Center (DVSC)

Domestic Violence Service Center (DVSC) provide emergency shelters and direct services for battered women and their children. Their housing program offers transitional housing for battered and homeless women and their children. Also, the organization has a wide range of free and confidential services including a 24-hour hotline, crisis intervention, and supportive counseling.


Doorways envision a future free from violence with wide access to stable housing. This gives victims ways to escape homelessness, domestic violence, and sexual assault to safe, stable, and empowered lives.

Dress for Success

Dress for Success empowers and aids women in achieving economic independence. Through its network of support and resources, women can thrive in work and everyday life. There are locations to donate clothes, funds, and volunteer across the country.

Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence (EFSCV)

The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence (EFSCV) is an organization that implements evidence-based policy solutions and programs to reduce gun violence altogether. They make our communities safer by translating research into policy and achieve this through methods of policy development, advocacy, community/stakeholder engagement, and technical assistance.

Elizabeth Freeman Center

Located in Berkshire Country, the Elizabeth Freeman Center offers hope, help, and healing to all experiencing or affected by domestic and sexual violence through free, accessible, and confidential services. The organization is working to end the cycle of abuse and violence through mobilization, advocacy, and education. The organization is free, confidential and can be reached 24/7 through a toll-free hotline at 1-866-401-2425.

Elizabeth Smart Foundation

Created by survivor Elizabeth Smart, the Elizabeth Smart Foundation hopes to bring an end to the victimization and exploitation of sexual assault. Through prevention, recovery, and advocacy methods, the Elizabeth Smart Foundation creates change for this broken system.

Empower Yolo

Empower Yolo has made it its mission to promote safe, healthy, and resilient communities through wide accessible 24-hour crisis intervention, legal assistance, and emergency shelter programs.


Led by Adam Dodge, Entab creates resources specifically for organizations that help victims and communities stay safe online. They’ve created technological developments and solutions to combat online abuse. They offer staff training and presentations conducted by students and or communities. Also, they offer many blog posts that share information about current online abuse-related stories.

End the Backlog

End the Backlog is a program of the Joyful Heart Foundation, a national nonprofit organization founded by producer, director, actress, and advocate Mariska Hargitay. Their mission is to change society’s response to sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse to support survivors’ healing and end this violence. The organization focuses on shining a light on the rape kit backlog in the United States. The goal is to end this injustice by identifying the extent of the nation’s backlog and best practices for eliminating it. End the Backlog achieves this by expanding the national dialogue on rape kit testing through increased public awareness, providing research, engaging communities and government agencies, and advocating for comprehensive rape kit reform legislation and policies.

End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI)

End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) is a catalyst for justice and healing so every survivor of sexual assault and domestic violence gets the proper response. EVAWI was founded in 2003 to further inform and educate on sexual assault and domestic violence. At the time, criminal justice practitioners did not have the training and support they needed to conduct thorough investigations guided by best practices. EVAWI was created to fill this void. Ever since, the organization has tackled interpersonal violence against adults and adolescents of all genders, specializing in trauma-informed law enforcement response from the first interaction with a victim through the investigation and potential prosecution.

Equal Justice Initiative (EJI)

Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) is a nonprofit organization that provides legal representation to those who’ve been illegally convicted, unfairly sentenced, or abused in state jails and prisons. They push against the death penalty and excessive forms of punishment. EJI gives re-entry assistance to formerly incarcerated individuals.


Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice has worked internationally and in the US to engage men and boys as allies in gender equality, promote healthy manhood, and prevent violence. Equimundo’s mission is to achieve gender equality and social justice by transforming intergenerational patterns of harm and promoting patterns of care, empathy, and accountability among boys and men throughout their lives. They envision a world where society is caring, nonviolent, and gender-equitable.

FaithTrust Institute

FaithTrust Institute provides faith communities and advocates with the tools and knowledge to address the faith and cultural issues related to abuse. FaithTrust Institute provides multi-faith and religion-specific intervention and prevention training, consulting, and educational materials for national, state, and community faith-based and secular organizations in the following areas:domestic and sexual violence, healthy teen relationships, preventing teen dating violence, child abuse, children and youth exposed to domestic violence, healthy boundaries for clergy and spiritual teachers, responding to clergy misconduct, and trafficking of persons.

Feeding America

Feeding America is the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States. Through a network of more than 200 food banks, 21 statewide food bank associations, and over 60,000 partner agencies, food pantries and meal programs, the organization provided 6.6 billion meals to tens of millions of people in need last year. Feeding America supports programs that prevent food waste and improve food security; brings attention to the social and systemic barriers that contribute to food insecurity in the US; and advocates for legislation that protects people from going hungry.

First Nations Development Institute

First Nations Development Institute is a non-profit organization strengthening American Indian economies to support Native communities. They create innovative institutions and models to strengthen asset control and support economic developments for American Indian people and communities. The organization improves economic conditions through technical assistance & training, advocacy & policy, and direct financial grants in six key areas: Achieving Native Financial Empowerment, Investing in Native Youth, Strengthening Tribal & Community Institutions, Advancing Household & Community Asset-Building Strategies, Nourishing Native Foods & Health, Stewarding Native Lands.

Food Lifeline

For over 40 years, Food Lifeline has been the largest hunger-relief organization in Washington state, actively working to end hunger in Western Washington. They provide nutritious food to thousands of people facing hunger every year. Their sourced healthy foods come from a variety of food industry partners. Last year, Food Lifeline provided more than 58 million pounds of food to over 300 local food banks, meal programs, and shelters.

The Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR’s)

The Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR’s) mission is to end the global AIDS epidemic through innovative research. amfAR is one of the world’s leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to the support of AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment education, and advocacy. Since 1985, the organization has invested nearly $617 million in its programs and has awarded more than 3,500 grants to research teams worldwide.

Free Form

Comprised of a team of queer, trans, immigrants, and BIPOC survivors, Free Form is committed to hiring QTBIPOC people and support their healing. They offer a minimum annual salary to full-time employees of $80,000 and store employees earn $28.85 per hour with added benefits.

Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF)

Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is an educational organization that promotes the constitutional principle of secularism and educates the public on topics relating to nontheism. Since 1978, the organization has been comprised of freethinkers: atheists, agnostics, and skeptics. The foundation confronts violations of the separation of state and church on behalf of the public, including prayers in public schools, payment of public funds for religious purposes, government funding for widespread sectarian institutions, and the ongoing campaign against civil rights for women, gays, and LGBTQ+ communities led by churches.

Futures Without Violence

For over 30 years, Futures Without Violence has provided programs, policies, and campaigns that empower those working to end female and child-targeted violence. With three offices across the U.S. (San Francisco, Washington D.C., and Boston), they’ve established strong methods to train professionals to improve responses to abuse. They’ve created programs at colleges, healthcare initiatives, human trafficking awareness, and policy work to inform. Futures Without Violence has a far reach, training over 25,000 domestic violence professionals.

Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

Since 1985, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has made it a mission to amplify the voice of the LGBT community by empowering real people to share their stories, holding the media accountable, and helping grassroots organizations communicate effectively. By ensuring that the stories of LGBT people are heard through the media, GLAAD promotes understanding, acceptance, and equality. GLAAD continues to provide journalists and media professionals with timely, inclusive, and authoritative resources, expanding the representation of the community.

Gender and Sexualities Alliance Network (GSA Network)

Gender and Sexualities Alliance Network (GSA Network) is an LGBTQ+ racial and gender justice organization that empowers and trains queer, trans, and allied youth leaders to advocate, organize, and mobilize an intersectional movement for safer schools and more accepting communities. They work with and empower grassroots, youth-led groups to educate their schools and communities, advocate for policies to protect LGBTQ+ youth from harassment and violence, and organize with other youth groups to identify the more significant issues of oppression. GSA Network’s work with students focused on leadership development and activism that builds alliances across sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, and class lines. They have specialized training designed to facilitate coalition building.


HiTOPS fosters strong and healthy young people of all identities by providing inclusive and youth-informed sex education and LGBTQ+ support for young people throughout New Jersey. For over 30 years, the organization has been on the forefront of adolescent sexual health. models the effective use of digital media to strengthen public health work and empower partners to achieve their missions. Their work aims to expand the visibility of timely and relevant Federal HIV policies, programs, and resources to the American public. increases knowledge about HIV and access to HIV services. The organization receives guidance from the Federal HIV/AIDS Web Council, a cross-agency planning group, and uses a communications plan to guide its activities.

Hope for the Day

Hope for the Day is a nonprofit movement driving the conversation on suicide prevention and mental health education. Their work touches all 50 states, 26 countries, and 17 languages. 100% of proceeds go to suicide prevention and mental health education programming.

House of Ruth

House of Ruth offers specialized housing, childcare centers, and free psychotherapy for women. 93% of House of Ruth’s survivors have secure permanent and safe housing a year after leaving the program.

Human Options

Human Options’ mission is to educate those of Orange Country to recognize relationship violence as a severe threat through its support, advocacy, and empowerment. Their 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter access, and educational services help to make social change possible.

The Hunger Coalition

The Hunger Coalition is a social services organization that builds healthy communities through access to safe food and confronts the root cause of food insecurities with collaboration with various partners. They hope to create a community where everyone can access good food despite economic status, where human relationships grow, and all are empowered to speak up.


INCITE! is a network of radical feminists of color organizing to end state violence and violence in our homes and communities. Since 2000, the organization has worked to develop analyses and strategies around ending violence that place women of color at the center of all forms and encourage the anti-violence movement to reinsert political organizing.

Inclusive Therapists

Inclusive Therapists make the counseling and therapy process simpler and safer for people of BIPOC, Neurodivergent, and Disabled communities. Their group of social justice-oriented professionals strives to embody anti-discrimination, anti-oppression, anti-stigma, anti-racism & anti-ableism. They aim to advance justice, equity, liberation, and celebration of all intersectional identities.

Infant Crisis Services

Infant Crisis Services is a nonprofit that provides life-sustaining formulas, foods, and diapers to babies and toddlers in need. Infant Crisis Services employees and volunteers offer families education, emotional support, and guidance. Every individual is treated with respect, compassion, kindness, and love. Additionally, Infant Crisis Services connects families with other agencies and services, leading to self-sufficiency. Since 1984, Infant Crisis Services has provided over 300,000 babies and toddlers with food, diapers, clothing, and hope.

Infants Remembered in Silence (IRIS)

IRIS is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that is dedicated to offering support, education, and resources to parents, families, friends, and professionals on the death of a child in early pregnancy (miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, etc.) or from stillbirth, premature birth, neonatal death, congenital disabilities, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), illness, accidents, and all other types of infant & early childhood death. The organization offers several options to help the grieving process: IRIS Advocate Program, Bereavement Support Packets, Clothing Sets, IRIS Common Burial Site, a quarterly newsletter, the Annual February Charity Weekend, Annual Holiday Service of Remembrance, Support Group Meetings, and One on One Support.

Internet Education Foundation

The Internet Education Foundation is a non-profit organization supported by various public interest groups, corporations, and associations. The organization’s mission is to inform the public on policymaking and other internet-related topics within the government and private sector. They promote the benefits of the internet while shedding light on the serious problems it presents. The organization provides solutions to combat internet challenges, one being the Internet Caucus Advisory Committee as an educational tool for Congress. Additionally, they encourage coalitions of corporations, industry associations, and public interest groups to work together on addressing important internet-related policy issues and engaging in educational outreach projects.

Innocence Project New Orleans (IPNO)

Innocence Project New Orleans (IPNO) is a nonprofit organization freeing innocent people serving unjust sentences. IPNO recognizes systemic racism and inequities as the root causes of wrongful convictions. The organization works to expose and address those integral causes by sharing its clients’ stories and supporting clients’ lives after their release. IPNO acknowledges and works to combat racial injustice in the criminal legal system.

It Gets Better Project

Since 2010, the It Gets Better Project has made it a mission to uplift, empower, and connect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth around the globe. The organization reaches millions each year through inspiring media, educational resources, affiliates in 19 countries, and access to an array of community-based service providers.

JED Foundation

The JED Foundation works with over 370 schools across the country to spread awareness and resources regarding mental health. They are parents of other organizations like ‘ULifeline’ and ‘Jed’s Set to Go’ that provide more personalized mental health support; their reach is far and wide.

Joyful Heart Foundation

Based in NYC, the Joyful Heart Foundation aims to change how we respond to sexual assault, domestic violence, and children of abuse. Their healing retreats, education/advocacy services, and efforts to end rape kit backlogging are some of the ways Joyful Heart Foundation has instilled change.

Julie's Purse Project

Julie’s Purse Project was initially formed to give back to those in need during the holiday season, but has blossomed into a year-round non profit that collects new and gently used purses, filling them with essential items women need.

Kathy’s Legacy

In honor of Kathy’s tragic death, Kathy’s Legacy is devoted to “change lives and revive hope.” Kathy’s Legacy provides safe shelters for survivors and their pets. Also, they offer dental, legal, and financial aid for families who’ve been affected by domestic violence. In honor of Kathy and the foundation, Kathy’s Law was passed. “The law will allow judges to order electronic monitoring of a perpetrator, in addition to a restraining order in certain domestic violence cases. This allows the victim to be notified if the perpetrator is in the vicinity.”

Kathy Wilson Foundation

The Kathy Wilson Foundation has engaged in community outreach by offering free developmental and social-emotional screening using the“Ages and Stages” parent questionnaire. The Ages and Stages Developmental and Social-Emotional questionnaires are available in multiple languages and can be readily completed in about 15 or 20 minutes. Should there be developmental concerns, these can be explored further in follow-up consultation or referral to early intervention services by the child’s program. The digital screening project has been successful in both the number of children screened and in helping parents support their child’s healthy development. The Kathy Wilson Foundation continues to provide funding and technical support for ASQ  screening at over 25 early intervention and early childhood programs. Through the foundation’s mission-based relationships, over 3,000 children have been screened, with many receiving the critical support they need from community intervention agencies.

Kid Power North Carolina

Kid Power North Carolina is a nonprofit organization where people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and walks of life share the common belief of teaching skills for safety, respect, confidence, and kindness for everyone, everywhere. They provide empowering child protection, positive communication, advocacy, personal safety, and self-defense skills for all ages, abilities, cultures, beliefs, genders, and identities, locally and worldwide. Their resources aim to prepare children, teens, and adults, including those with special needs, to prevent and stop bullying, abuse, harassment, assault, and other emotional, social, or physical violence.

Kids’ Space Child Advocacy Center

Kids’ Space Child Advocacy Center and its partners are front-line responders in Muskogee, Oklahoma, to reports of child sexual abuse, physical abuse, drug endangerment, internet crimes, and other forms of child abuse and neglect. Kids’ Space CAC is the city’s only nonprofit organization that coordinates the efforts of child welfare specialists, law enforcement professionals, family advocates, medical experts, and mental health clinicians. The organization is co-located with specialized teams representing: the Muskogee Police Department, Kids’ Space Sexual Assault Nurses and Mental Health Team, and Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma. The Kids’ Space CAC staff conducts forensic interviews, provides family advocacy and support, offers mental health therapy, facilitates parenting classes, and identifies resources for children and families to begin the healing process.

King County Sexual Assault Resource Center (KCSARC)

King County Sexual Assault Resource Center (KCSARC) aims to give victims of sexual assault a voice. The organization works to create change in public belief systems, attitudes, and behaviors regarding sexual violence. KCSARC prioritizes instilling courage in individuals to speak up and out against sexual assault.

Laura’s House

Laura’s House was inspired by Laura’s experience with domestic violence. The organization offers many programs and services that provide vital support and education on domestic violence prevention. Their resources include a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelters, outreach and children’s programs, a counseling center, legal services, and transitional housing.


The LGBTQ+ Bar offers the LGBTQ+ community opportunities to promote justice and become involved in the legal field. After becoming an official affiliate of the American Bar Association, they work closely with ABA’s Section on Individual Rights and Responsibilities and the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity committees.

Life Wire

Life Wire helps those who’ve been impacted by domestic violence by offering support, resources, and professional services. Life Wire offers a 24-hour hotline service, methods for safe housing., therapy sessions, support groups, and legal advocacy. They’ve partnered with schools throughout the country to teach and mentor students on violence prevention. Life Wire offers many volunteers opportunities to join the domestic violence prevention growth in the making.

The Los Angeles Center for Law (LACLJ)

The Los Angeles Center for Law (LACLJ) and Justice is a nonprofit organization who secures justice for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and empowers victims to create a positive future of their own. LACJ’s resources provide survivors with personal client-centered services that are holistic, trauma-informed, culturally responsive and collaborative. Additionally, they offer incredibly helpful services that cover domestic violence restraining orders, family law, immigration, and community advocacy.

Mental Health America

Since 1909, Mental Health America (formerly known as the National Mental Health Association) has been dedicated to helping all people live with stronger mental health. Through nearly a century of advocacy at the national, state, and local levels, Mental Health America has sought to protect the rights of individuals with mental illnesses, to undo decades of neglect and substandard care, to seek access to equitable, accessible, and culturally competent services; and to seek new funding and reinvestment in infrastructure and services. With more than 320 affiliates nationwide, the organization represents a growing movement of Americans who promote mental wellness for the health and well-being of the nation every day and in times of crisis.

MHA (The Mental Health Association)

The Mental Health Association (MHA) provides access to emotional health and wellness therapies. MHA offers services for substance use recovery, developmental disabilities, and acquired brain injury, as well as services for housing and residential programming, and more. With respect, integrity, and compassion, MHA provides each program to foster independence, community engagement, wellness, and recovery.

Mental Health Liberation

The Mental Health Liberation’s mission is to bridge BIPOC communities with quality therapy, empower Clinicians of Color, dismantle systemic inequity, and reclaim healing for melanated, marginalized, and displaced Peoples. The organization continues to work on providing helpful resources such as BIPOC Therapy Funds, mentorship and peer support, and community-funded clinical supervision. At its core, The Mental Health Liberation celebrates the power and centers the needs of people with marginalized identities in order to liberate, heal and thrive.

Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources aims to foster hope, health, and recovery for people with mental illness and substance use disorder. The organization collaborates with the individuals to facilitate learning and growth and promote empowerment and expectation of success.

MISS Foundation

The MISS Foundation is an international 501(c)3, volunteer-based organization providing C.A.R.E. [counseling, advocacy, research, and education] services to families experiencing the death of a child. The organization envisions a world where no one has to walk alone in confronting grief. The MISS Foundation provides compassion through local support groups, skilled counseling, advocacy, education, peer-support mentoring, and therapeutic carfare programs.

Munchausen Support

Munchausen Support was created by top experts studying Munchausen by Proxy.  Munchausen Support provides fact-based information to the public about Munchausen by Proxy, as well as offer support and resources for survivors, family members in crisis, and professionals working on a Munchausen by Proxy case.

Muslim Anti Racist Collaborative

Mulsim Anti Racist Collaborative, or Muslim ARC, aims to provide education and other resources to advance racial justice. The three C’s: cultivate, connect, and create are at the center of the organization’s mission to create a more racially just society. They provide training and resources that confront racism, Xenophobia, indigenous peoples’ rights, and Islamophobia


Narika promotes women’s independence, economic empowerment, and well-being by helping domestic violence survivors with advocacy, support, and education. The organization has a comprehensive variety of services promoting women’s independence, economic empowerment, and well-being. From their toll-free helpline (1-800-215-7308) that allows anyone who has been a victim of domestic violence to call in and speak to any one their advocates. Narika’s ​​Fremont Food Justice Program distributes groceries and essentials to survivors and families in need. This program provides basic needs for low-income survivors, like cleaning supplies, baby wipes, hot meals, pantry staples, and fresh produce.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)

Since 1984, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) has been a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization. NCMEC offers services for families, victims, professionals, schools, law enforcement, private industry, and communities to help prevent abducted, endangered, and sexually exploited children and to mitigate and combat exploitation. 

National Center for Transgender Equality

The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) works at local, state, and federal levels to change policies and societal perceptions to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. NCTE hopes for a future where transgender people don’t only survive, but thrive. 

National Center for Youth Law

National Center for Youth Law is an educational organization that believes in youth’s power, agency, and wisdom. The organization has worked for over 50 years to transform government agencies and public systems to provide youths with equity, dignity, and care. Their work has sparked foundational shifts in policy and standards of practice in communities and states nationwide.

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) works to improve the national response to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation by gathering, housing, disseminating and stimulating innovative, validated methods of practice, education, research, and policy. The NCEA provides elder abuse information to professionals and the public and offers technical assistance and training to states and community-based organizations.

National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE)

National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) is a nationally-known non-profit organization dedicated to ending sexual abuse and exploitation. Through various efforts such as litigation, research, advocacy, policy reform, and training, NCOSE works to improve legislation that protects victims of sexual exploitation and prevents exploitation from occurring.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) envisions a world free of domestic violence. Their website gives useful links to statistics and information regarding domestic violence. Also, they host webinars, live events, and youth curriculums to inform. Through their work, NCADV has assisted in many policy changes: Violence Against Women Act and the Victims of Crime Act.

National Council for Mental Wellbeing

Since 1969, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing has advocated for policies to ensure access to trained mental health help. In the National Council’s 53 years, they’ve trained over 2.6 million people to identify, understand, and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges.

The National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association

The National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association stands with state and local member programs, supports, and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy for children who have experienced abuse or neglect. The organization ensures children’s safety, permanent housing, and the opportunity to thrive.

National Domestic Violence Hotline

National Domestic Violence Hotline

24/7, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides victims, survivors, and those affected by domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and relationship abuse essential tools and support to live lives free of abuse. The Hotline’s expert advocates and other staff members have served over 6 million contacts speaking 200+ languages. Advocates are available at 1-800-799-SAFE and through online chat at All calls and chats are free and confidential.

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is one of the nation’s largest grassroots organizations about mental illness. Founded in 1979, NAMI has affiliates in every state and more than 900 local communities across the U.S. NAMI recognizes that recovery, resiliency, and support are essential to improving the wellness and quality of life of all affected by mental illness. The organization’s many activities include public education, information activities, peer education, support, raising awareness and fighting stigma, and state and federal advocacy.

National Network to End Domestic Violence

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) is dedicated to creating an environment free from violence against women. NNEDV is the country’s leading voice for domestic violence victims and advocates.

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) is a 501(c)(3) organization that is dedicated to advocating for individuals with rare diseases and the organizations that serve them. With more than 300 patient organization members, NORD’s committed to identifying, treating, and curing rare disorders through its education, advocacy, research, and patient services programs.

The National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network

The National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN) is an organization committed to improving mental health for queer and trans people of color (QTPoC). They work at the intersection of social justice and mental health to heal justice in both spaces. Its mission is to increase access to mental well-being resources for QTPoC.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free, and confidential support for people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. They are committed to improving the quality and accessibility to crisis services though empowering their callers, providing professional practices, and raising awareness. Reach a representative at 1-800-273-8255.

National Women's Law Center

The National Women’s Law Center is an educational organization fighting for gender justice. For nearly 50 years, the organization has confronted women’s daily issues in courts, public policy, and communities. They use laws to change culture, drive solutions for gender equality that shapes society, and break down the barriers that harm us, especially women of color, part of the LGBTQ+ community, and low-income areas/families.

The Network LA Red

The Network LA Red aims to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, BDSM, polyamorous, and queer relationships. Their 24-hour hotline, support groups, and housing pathway programs are beneficial resources for victims.

New Beginnings

New Beginnings empowers survivors and mobilizes community awareness and action to end domestic violence. The organization provides the public with a helpful list of ‘warning signs of abuse’ to make it easier for those who may be in an abusive relationship to spot it. New Beginnings also offers a 24-hour help hotline, one-on-one support, housing support, and other resources and services to support victims of domestic violence.

NO MORE Foundation

NO MORE is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault by increasing awareness, inspiring action and fueling culture change. The organization works to amplify and grow the movement to stop and prevent domestic violence and sexual assault, in homes, schools, workplaces and communities around the world by creating and supporting innovative campaigns, partnerships and tools that leverage the power of the media, entertainment, sports, technology, and collective action. 

Operation 20/20

Operation 20/20 aims to improve the eye health of underfunded populations and senior citizens globally. Donations fund the patient’s food, surgical equipment, surgery costs, eye-screening camps, and hospital accommodations.

Organization for Social Media Safety

Organization for Social Media Safety is the first consumer protection organization exclusively focused on social media. The organization works to make social media safe for everyone. They protect against all social media-related dangers, including cyberbullying, hate speech, sexual harassment, propaganda, depression, and suicide. The organization prioritizes education, advocacy, and technological developments.

OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center

OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center is an organization providing the Los Angeles community with grief support services, education, resources, and hope. Since 1993, OUR HOUSE has helped thousands of grieving children, teens, and adults find healing after the death of someone close. They provide specialized grief support that recognizes grief’s universality and normalizes the emotions that come with it. OUR HOUSE envisions a world where grief is embraced, understood, and respected.

Parasol Cooperative

The Parasol Cooperative empowers and accelerates the work of member organizations that protect lives by offering them technology tools, knowledge, and services so that more individuals can live safe and healthy lives, especially those affected by domestic violence. Parasol Cooperative is comprised of survivors, advocates, and technologists who believe that everyone deserves to live in a safe and healthy environment, absent of violence and abuse. They use the existing organizations’ ability to reach survivors and enhance their influence and services through technology.

Parent Child Center of Tulsa (PCCT)

The Parent Child Center of Tulsa (PCCT) hopes to prevent child abuse and neglect through education, treatment, and advocacy. The organization instills knowledge and skills in parents to protect, nurture, and provide for their children. PCCT offers numerous programs and services free of charge.

Partnership Against Domestic Violence (PADV)

The largest nonprofit domestic violence organization, the Partnership Against Domestic Violence (PADV), aims to end the crime of domestic violence and empower its survivors. The organization restores power and control to survivors’ lives by educating the public on the dynamics of domestic violence, promoting healthy dating relationships, and offering shelter for battered women and their children. PADV has 55 full and part-time staff, offers a 24-hour crisis hotline for support, and has two 24-hour emergency shelters in Atlanta.

Partnership to End Addiction

Partnership to End Addiction is committed to discovering, advocating for, and implementing the essential solutions to end America’s addiction crisis. They equip families, employers, medical professionals, and dedicated individuals with the necessary tools for success while working to eliminate the stigma of addiction, replacing shame and despair with hope and compassion.

If you or a loved one would benefit from Partnership to End Addiction’s resources and/or services, please visit If you would like to support Partnership to End Addiction, please visit

Protecting Awareness | Victim Empowerment (PAVE)

PAVE is a survivor-founded nonprofit organization dedicated to sexual assault prevention and education. The founder of PAVE, Angela Rose, created the student-led organization in college after her own traumatic experience. 

PAVE also supports survivors through online and in-person support resources, social advocacy, and prevention education ( On their website, survivors can find multiple 24-hour crisis hotlines, tips and encouragement for healing, and resources for legal support and advocacy.

Person to Person

Person to Person provides individuals and families assistance for basic needs that allows access to resources to improve their lives. Their trained casework team offers support by giving access to food, clothing, and other forms of ongoing support.

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization of trusted healthcare professionals, informed educators, and passionate advocates. Planned Parenthood delivers vital sexual and reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of people in the United States and globally. Call 1-800-230-PLAN or visit for more information about abortion in your area.

Pouhana O Na Wahine (PONW): Pillars of Women

Pouhana O Na Wahine (PONW) was created in 2015 to increase awareness and prevention of intimate partner violence toward native Hawaiian women and families. “PONW is dedicated to helping Native Hawaiians address domestic violence and related injustices through restoring their Native way of life rooted in their cultural beliefs, practices and ceremonies (or voices, languages, and teachings) and securing resources for a Native Hawaiian Resource Center on Domestic Violence.” (

The Psychopath Test - book cover

The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry

Jon Ronson’s The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry explores the topic of psychopathy and the doctors, scientists, and others who study them.

Protect Our Defenders

Protect Our Defenders (POD) is a non-profit that investigates and eliminates sexual violence, victim retaliation, misogyny, sexual prejudice, and racism within the military. They work to challenge the culture that has allowed for these issues to persist.

This organization provides crucial legal support, raises public awareness, and pushes for policy changes to create a safer and more equitable environment for service members. Their efforts have led to increased attention to military sexual violence, influenced legislative changes, and improved access to justice for survivors.

If you or a loved one would benefit from POD’s resources and/or services, please visit If you would like to donate to support Protect Our Defenders, please visit

PTSD Foundation of America

Founded in 2005, the PTSD Foundation of America started with a group of volunteers dedicated to finding homeless veterans throughout Houston, TX and connecting them to support services. Today, PTSD Foundation of America has outreach programs across the country, operates Camp Hope, an interim housing facility for homeless veterans in Houston, and continues to connect thousands of veterans in need with helpful resources to improve quality of life.

If you or a loved one would benefit from PTSD Foundation of America’s resources and/or services, please visit If you would like to support the PTSD Foundation of America, please visit

Rachael’s First Week

Rachael’s First Week offers resources to protect and educate teens entering adulthood. Their programs touch on the serious topics of sexual assault, mental health, and drugs and alcohol that teens start to encounter.

Rainbow Services

Rainbow Services offers anyone impacted by domestic violence shelter and support. This organization helps survivors in their healing journeys to a life of safety and stability.

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) is the largest anti-sexual violence organization. They provide programs to prevent sexual violence, aid survivors, and hold perpetrators accountable. You can call RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotline for 24/7 help: 1-800-656-4673

The Rape Foundation

The Rape Foundation is a nonprofit organization that offers comprehensive, state-of-the-art treatment for victims of rape, sexual assault, and other forms of sexual abuse. They provide prevention and educational programs that aim to reduce the prevalence of sexual violence and abuse. Their training programs are geared toward police and other service providers to improve the treatment victims receive. The Rape Foundation also supports policy and institutional reforms, multi-agency partnerships, and other service models to increase victims’ access to services, help-seeking and reporting, and foster healing.


For over 35 years, RedRover has served and supported people and animals in crisis. RedRover’s mission is to rescue pets and maintain pet/owner bonds in crisis situations through financial assistance, education, emergency shelter support, and crisis relief services ( An essential service at RedRover is the RedRover Relief – Domestic Violence Safe Escape and Housing grants. The Safe Escape grant program supports families and pets escaping intimate partner violence, and the Safe Housing grant program helps survivors of intimate partner violence find safe housing where they are allowed to keep their pets. 

Red Songbird Foundation

The Red Songbird Foundation was founded in 2009 by singer Hilary Roberts, who has been sober from drugs and alcohol since 1997. The non-profit organization celebrated its public launch in May 2019 and has helped thousands by providing education, outreach, resources, and treatment scholarships. The organization aims to help people heal from the darkness of their past. The Red Songbird Foundation has made it their mission to raise awareness and save as many people as possible.

Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC)

Founded in 1973, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) aims to protect the constitutional right to abortion. RCRC provides those with pro-choice and reproductive rights programs and public education campaigns. The Coalition uses educational and advocacy techniques to convey the power of religious communities. They amplify the voices of people of color, those living in poverty, and other underserved populations.

Safe From Online Sex Abuse

Safe From Online Sex Abuse (SOSA) is a non-profit informing the public and ultimately combating the severity of online sex abuse and exploitation. SOSA offers several helpful resources, such as hosted webinars, workshops, and school events. SOSA has partnered with various companies to develop new technologies to prevent online abuse.

Safe Passage Foundation

Safe Passage Foundation (SPF) is a tax-exempt organization whose mission is to assist those who’ve been raised in ‘restrictive, isolated, or high-demand communities, often referred to as “cults.”’ SFP offers specialized scholarship and financial aid resources for these survivors. Also, SPF workers have made it a top priority to inform the public about the severity of this issue in various presentations and conferences.


SAGE is the oldest and largest non-profit agency that serves and advocates for LGBT seniors. SAGE pioneers programs and services for seniors in the LGBT community, provides technical assistance and training to expand opportunities, and offers a national voice on LGBT aging issues. If you are an LGBTQ+ elder or care for one, call the free SAGE Hotline, toll-free, at 877-360-LGBT(5428).

Sarah’s Inn

Since 1980, Sarah’s Inn has addressed the lack of services for domestic violence victims and family members. They offer violence prevention training, crisis intervention services, and educational resources. Their mission is to support survivors and their loved ones as they find safety, rebuild their lives, and heal.

Saving Children and Reviving Souls (SCARS)

Saving Children and Reviving Souls (SCARS) is a nonprofit organization committed to keeping children safe and free from sexual & physical abuse. Their work shows that politicians treat child rape/abuse less importantly than roads, taxes, or other political matters. The organization prepares innovative programs with a panel of survivors and professionals, procurement of adequate additional law enforcement and prosecutorial teams, tougher State criminal penalties for Child Abusers/Predators, and assistance with the ignored Foster Care System. SCARS is adamant that change starts by widely providing the proper tools needed for the rescue, recovery, and healing of hundreds of thousands of Raped and Beaten Children.

Service Women's Action Network

Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN) is a nonprofit organization that advocates for servicewomen and women veterans, addressing issues such as sexual assault and harassment. Their mission is to ensure that women who have served in the military, both past and present, are respected, supported, and provided with equal opportunities throughout their careers and beyond.

SWAN has developed a vast network of vetted resources uniquely qualified to address the challenges these women face. These resources cover a wide range of essential needs, including healthcare, housing, legal services, assistance with workplace discrimination, family and financial services, employment and transition support, caseworkers, and alternative therapies.

If you or a loved one would benefit from Service Women’s Action Network’s (SWAN’s) resources and/or services, please visit If you would like to support SWAN, please visit

Share: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support

Share is a nonprofit organization for anyone who has experienced the death of their baby. The organization serves those who care for grieving families by providing comprehensive perinatal bereavement care training for caregivers, healthcare professionals, Funeral Directors, bereaved families, Share Chapter leaders, and other caregivers. Share helps you find the support unique to your needs; whether your loss was recent or in years past. If you need someone to talk to, please call 1-800-821-6819.

She Matters

She Matters was created to inspire, educate, and mentor young girls. Their hosted events instill character and excellence in women.

Shriners Hospital for Children

Shriners Hospital for Children transforms the lives of children through its specialized care, innovation, and research. They’ve been consistently ranked as one of the country’s leading pediatric orthopedic and urology care providers by U.S. News & World Report.

Social Media Manipulation and Abuse Resistance Training (SMMART)

Social Media Manipulation and Abuse Resistance Training (SMMART) Inc is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the youth of America the knowledge and skills necessary to protect them from online and social media threats. This includes manipulation, exploitation, victimization, and radicalization. The organization seeks to empower children and young adults to make smart online decisions by increasing awareness of the methods and motives used to manipulate them. Through education, we can build future citizenship immune to disinformation, misinformation, and other forms of manipulation.

The Source LGBT+ Center

The Source is a community-based organization that provides inclusive, safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ individuals through many types of Peer Support programs. Some programs include support groups for trans or nonbinary individuals, and groups for parents, family members, and friends of members of the LGBTQIA+ community to support affirming their loved one’s identity. The Source also works with agencies and providers throughout rural Central CA to promote LGBTQIA+ advocacy and education, increasing safety and inclusion for LGBTQIA+ individuals in rural communities. 

Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition

The Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition partners with community agencies from various law enforcement, government officials, victim advocacy groups, treatment providers, school representatives, and family and child service organizations. These partnerships are integral to SRDVC’s mission to eliminate domestic violence.

Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC)

Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC) is an organization providing education and resources about the crime of stalking. SPARC aims to improve the response to stalking by educating professionals who keep stalking victims safe and holding perpetrators accountable. Through its technical assistant endeavors, they assist multi-disciplinary professionals with resources and policy/protocol development. SPARC provides local, regional, state, and national training to the U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), grantees, and potential grantees.

Stop It Now!

Stop It Now! prevents the sexual abuse of children by mobilizing adults, families, and communities to take actions that protect children before they are harmed. The organization provides support, education, and resources to keep children safe and create healthier communities. Stop it now aims to create a world where adults engage in respectful, caring behavior with children and other adults to create safe, stable, and nurturing relationships for all children. They hope for children to grow up free of trauma from any form of violence, including sexual abuse and exploitation.

Stop Stalking Us

Stop Stalking Us is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating community and resources for those impacted by stalking and its aftermath. The organization is changing society’s perception of this dangerous, violent, and often invisible crime, while making meaningful changes at the legislative level. The combination of the staff’s personal knowledge, intelligence and security experts, forensic psychologists, stalking experts, advocates, and researchers makes Stop Stalking Us a safe place for anyone who has been stalked, is being stalked, or knows someone who needs help. Stop Stalking Us is the only nongovernmental organization in the United States that deals exclusively with stalking. The organization’s mission is to help victims, their families, and friends access resources and find support, understanding, and safety.

Stand Up Placer

Stand Up Placer

Stand Up Placer’s mission is to save lives by empowering survivors and educating communities on domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. They provide many useful resources regarding crisis intervention and recovery services. Their outreach and prevention team participates in a diverse range of events from festivals to farmers markets to inform the public about all aspects of interpersonal violence.

Start by Believing

Most victims of sexual assault never report the crime to law enforcement. The Start by Believing campaign is designed to change this. By preparing professionals and loved ones to respond appropriately to sexual assault reports, they improve outcomes for victims. Knowing how to respond is critical, because a negative response can worsen the trauma and foster an environment where perpetrators face no consequences for their crimes. Statistics show that rapists don’t just attack once – many re-offend, often multiple times. It’s a frightening equation: one failed response can mean additional victims. Start by Believing stops the cycle of silence by improving personal and professional responses.

Stillborn and Infant Loss Support (SAILS)

Through outreach programs and fundraising, Stillborn And Infant Loss Support (SAILS) aims to increase awareness about stillbirth and ensure that those affected have a strong support network during their time in need. The organization provides a platform of community, mentorship, education and advocacy to families impacted by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby before their first birthday. SAILS understands the pain and suffering families endure and offers community support services, outreach programs, fundraising opportunities and an advocacy network to help reduce the emotional and financial burdens they encounter throughout their grieving process. 

Sunshine Kids Foundation

The Sunshine Kids Foundation is a nonprofit organization providing children with cancer, with exciting, positive group activities and opportunities. They give young cancer patients opportunities to promote self-esteem, personal accomplishment, and fun. Thousands of children across the country have benefitted from the organization’s programs and national and regional events. All of their sponsored activities are completely free of charge.

Thistle Farms

For 25 years, Thistle Farms has aided in healing and instilling hope in women survivors of trafficking, prostitution, and addiction. Their free two year program provides access to safe and supportive housing, financial independence, and a community of support.


Thorn is a nonprofit organization that forms long-term partnerships to build tools to fight child sexual abuse. The organization partners with tech companies, law enforcement, and NGOs to provide help and safety for children. Through research, Thorn creates powerful (technological) solutions to combat child sex abuse.  

Transitions-Mental Health Association (TMHA)

For over 40 years, Transitions-Mental Health Association (TMHA) has worked to eliminate stigma and promote recovery and wellness for people with mental illness through work, housing, community, and family support services. Serving San Luis Obispo and North Santa Barbara Counties, TMHA operates over 40 programs on the Central Coast, a wide variety of services that assist individuals and family members on their recovery journey. Transitions-Mental Health Association hosts events and educational forums throughout the year, including Journey of Hope, art shows, plant sales, bowl-a-thon, and more!

Treatment Action Group (TAG)

Treatment Action Group (TAG) is an AIDS research and policy think tank fighting for better treatment, a vaccine, and a cure for AIDS. TAG works to provide all people with HIV receive lifesaving treatment, care, and information. The organization uses science-based treatment, activists working to expand vital research, and community engagement with research and policy institutions. TAG catalyzes collective action by all affected communities, scientists, and policymakers to end AIDS.

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project aims to end suicide among the LGBTQ+ community. It’s resources and ‘five key programs’ -crisis services, peer support, research, public education, advocacy – give those amazing tools to combat mental unrest.

Tulsa Lawyers for Children (TLC)

Since 2000, Tulsa Lawyers for Children (TLC) has fought for high-quality legal representation of Oklahoma’s abused children. TLC has frequent support from the Oklahoma Bar Foundation that aids the organization’s recruiting, training, and mentoring of professionals in juvenile law.

Unchained At Last

Unchained At Last is a survivor-led nonprofit organization dedicated to ending forced and child marriage in the United States through direct services and systems change. Unchained provides free legal and social services to help women, girls, and others in the U.S. to escape arranged and forced marriages and rebuild their lives. At the same time, Unchained pushes for social, policy and legal change; the organization started and now leads a growing national movement to eliminate child marriage in every U.S. state and at the federal level. To date, Unchained has helped more than 975 people escape forced marriages.

United Help Ukraine

United Help Ukraine is a nonprofit organization receiving and distributing donations, food, medical supplies, and other resources to the people of Ukraine affected by Russia’s invasion. Their priorities are to save the lives of Ukrainian soldiers, assist wounded Ukrainian warriors, help families of wounded and killed in the war, aid internally displaced people, promote Ukraine’s culture and raise awareness of the current situation in Ukraine. They focus on fundraising events, raising awareness of the crisis in Ukraine by engaging individuals, organizations, media in the US, and private and government institutions.

Until There’s A Cure

Until There’s A Cure is a national organization dedicated to eradicating HIV/AIDS by raising awareness and funds to combat this pandemic. Their goal is to fund prevention education, care services, and vaccine development, and to increase public awareness of HIV​, using The Bracelet as the tool. The Bracelet will not only serve as a bridge to unite people to fight HIV/AIDS, but will help to increase consciousness, compassion, understanding, and responsibility.

Urban Resource Institute NYC

For 40 years, Urban Resource Institute NYC has helped vulnerable and overlooked groups safely out of abusive situations. URINYC is the nation’s largest domestic violence shelter and services provider, whose created several programs to educate and prevent domestic violence.

USA Cares

USA Cares’ mission is to provide post-9/11 military veterans, service members and their families with financial assistance and post-service skills training to create a foundation for long-term stability. Their services improve the quality of life for veterans, their families, and reduce the potential risk factors that contribute to homelessness and veteran suicide.

Victim Rights Law Center (VRLC)

The Victim Rights Law Center (VRLC) is the first nonprofit law center solely focused on legal needs of survivors. Representing survivors in Massachusetts and Oregon, VRLC’s mission is to provide legal representation to victims of rape and sexual assault to help rebuilt their lives and promote seeking justice for every victim. The organization offers pro bono programs and training services to educate survivors and advocates.

The Violence Policy Center (VPC)

The Violence Policy Center (VPC) is a national organization that conducts research on violence in America in hopes of developing violence-reduction policies and proposals. VPC examines the role of firearms in America, conducts research on firearm violence, and finds new methods to decrease firearm-related death and injury. They approach gun violence as a public health issue, advocating that firearms be subject to the health and safety standards like those that apply to all other consumer products. VPC has a record of policy accomplishments at the federal, state, and local levels. Each year, they release hard-hitting, fact-based studies on gun violence issues.

Visions of Women (VOW)

Visions of Women (VOW) educates, supports, and leads to raising awareness of domestic violence and promoting healthy relationships. VOW raises domestic violence awareness and works to see improvements in the community through education about the importance of healthy relationships. The organization provides circle groups, mental health counseling services, teen healthy relationship talks, educational outreach, and launches donation drives to secure funds. Also, they secure donations for back-to-school supplies, food, hygiene products, professional clothing, educational costs, and more. These products go to the survivors at schools, churches, shelters, and other community-based organizations.

VOW for Girls

VOW for Girls is a growing global movement that partners with brands, individuals, engaged couples, and the wedding industry to end the international child marriage crisis. All funds raised go toward effective but underfunded local efforts that advance girls’ rights by providing education, job training, and vital life skills. VOW is filling a funding gap in the global push to end child marriage: supporting efforts at the local level by focusing on effective yet overlooked grassroots organizations that directly engage in girls’ day-to-day lives. VOW for Girls is a vow for the future.

Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV)

Since 1990, the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV) has continued to work across Washington state to help survivors of domestic violence towards safety and freedom. The organization’s work highlights leadership, programs, and public engagement to end domestic and sexual violence.


Wellspring is the domestic violence and sexual assault services resource for Saratoga County residents and the sexual assault services resource for Washington County residents. The organization supports survivors and engages the community to put an end to relationship and sexual abuse.

Why Does He Do That - book cover

Why Does He Do That?

In his bestseller Why Does He Do That?, Lundy Bancroft – a counselor specialized in working with abusive men – shares the patterns and mindsets of male abusers. His information helps people, specifically women,  recognize if they are in an abusive relationship, and the best ways to break free from them.

World Central Kitchen (WCK)

World Central Kitchen (WCK) is a nonprofit organization providing meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises while working to build stronger food systems with locally-led solutions. WCK has served more than 60 million fresh meals to people impacted by natural disasters and other global crises. Their Resilience Programs strengthen food and nutrition security by training chefs and school cooks, advancing clean cooking practices, and awarding grants to certain food businesses while providing them with educational and networking opportunities.

Youth Celebrate Diversity

The Youth Celebrate Diversity organization educates and empowers youth to advance inclusion and acceptance globally. They are working to make social changes through its YCD guide, events, virtual training sessions, leadership programs, and linked resources.


For over 160 years, YWCA has been the largest and oldest women’s organization. They’ve been at the forefront of critical social movements: women’s empowerment, civil rights, affordable housing, pay equity, health care, and violence prevention.

Zebra Centre

Made up of dedicated law enforcement, specialized assessors, medical professionals, Zebra Centre has made it its mission to advocate and support its children. Children arrive at the centre through policing agency referrals.